Friday, August 13, 2010

This is for you...

Yes, if you are reading this, it's for you.

These past few days have been stressful and I needed some comic relief. In light of the situation, my sister and I decided to watch this movie and I wanted, well, I just wanted to tell you how great you are...

Thanks for reading my blog!

Copyright © 2010 by Natasha M.


Rachel Cotterill said...

I'm sorry to hear you've been having a stressful time - hope things improve soon.

Natasha in Oz said...

I too am sorry to hear that things have been stressful this week. I am so glad that you found some comic relief by watching this movie. I hadn't see it years!

Best wishes,

PS You're the top too!

Mya said...

From the content of the two posts that follow this one I would have to say that you are in control, and you know when you need to laugh.
It sounds like you are feeling better/lighter (except for the cheesecake - and once in a while we all need laughter and chocolate~)

Teachinfourth said...

Hope this is a better week. The funny thing is that my sister brought this movie over tonight. We didn't watch it yet (well, again) since we have to finish the current season of "The Office."

I love this movie...

Natasha and Jesse said...

Rachel- Thanks things are better this week.

Natasha- It's sure a fun movie. Thanks!

Mya- Thanks. Laughter and chocolate make almost everything better.

Teachinfourth- Thanks, things are looking up this week. And "The Office" definitely takes precedence over "What's up, Doc?".

My sister and I basically have it memorized...

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