I really enjoyed Christmas with my family this year. It was full of wonderful presents, great food, and relaxation. My family was very generous with presents- I definitely got way more than I deserved. (I will have to post pictures soon).
I'm still listening to Christmas music!
I received The Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook for Christmas and my sister and I have been baking and cooking up a storm this past week.
Can you believe it is already (almost) 2010?!? Where has the time gone? It is crazy to think that just 10 years ago it was 2000.
What are some of your resolutions? Do you follow through with them? Or bother to make any to begin with? For me, I think I will be starting a diet...next year. :)
I hope you bring in the start of this next decade with a bang! Happy New Year, my friends!!!
I wanted to post about my favorite Christmas traditions.
This year, for some reason, I've been having a little trouble getting into the Christmas spirit. I don't know if it's because I'm away from family or I'm not giving enough service, but I don't like it and so I decided to post about past Christmases in hopes that I would have more of that Christmas spirit.
Growing up, every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we would venture out to cut our Christmas tree. We had a place that we went- Taylor Tree Farm. It usually took a while to find one, because we wanted the "perfect" tree. I have many good memories of those times. One year the tree we got had bug eggs in it and once the tree was in the house all those little buggies hatched! We were more careful the next year about which tree we got.
We also had a family tradition of going to Ohio Village (sadly it is now closed). I looked forward to going every year at Christmas. (We would also go on Sundays during the year, but Christmas time was especially nice there). They had a group of carolers (a choir) that would always sing Christmas songs. Since the village was a recreation of a mid-19th century village they didn't have electricity, so candles were used. I remember sitting in the cultural hall listening to the carolers surrounded by candlelight, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and my family and feeling secure and peaceful. It was enchanting.
Doorbell ditching. Most years growing up, we would pick a family in our ward that was struggling or were newly married or had young children and buy them food or bake cookies. We would leave the items on their porch, ring the doorbell and run. This was such fun and really brought the spirit of Christ into our home.
Another Christmas memory is of Christmas morning. We didn't open any gifts on Christmas eve. My sister and I would usually wake up before our parents and we were allowed to open our stockings. Once our parents were awake we would pass out presents so everybody had one, open them one at a time and then start again until there were no more presents.
And cookie baking. How could I forget that? We would bake cookies every year and give them away. We still do this, but somehow it's not quite the same as when we were living at home. Sampling was always a part of the process!
OK, these are all the Christmas memories I can think of right now.
What Christmas memories do you have?
***** I leave for home tomorrow after work! My sister is flying in at night so I will get there and we will all go to the airport together to pick her up. Honestly, I think this week has been the slowest in the history of my life. On Tuesday I thought it was Friday...
I found this blog and she has many nice Christmas craft ideas. I think I will try some when I get home. Hint...hint...
Here is a wonderful video to get you in the Christmas spirit. Enjoy!
I'm feeling better. Meaning, I'm not fully recovered from that nasty cold/flu/sinus infection/whatever it was that plagued me over Thanksgiving holiday. But, I am better.
Right now I am craving:
~Chocolate babka from Great Harvest.
~Family time to watch movies such as While You Were Sleeping and Home Alone and A Child's Christmas in Wales and Little Women and The Santa Clause and, well, I think you get the picture.
~Christmas decorating
~Spending time with family
~Cookie baking
and, last but not least....
~Snow days! (Is it too early to be craving this? I really hope not, because I am!)
*Post note: Sadly, my computer is still on the fritz which makes me sad, but I just didn't have the money to have it fixed right now when the person was charging $85 an hour to repair it. I will use the library's for cheaper, even though it means I have to give up procrastinating. Well, at least give it up temporarily.