This is graduation rehearsal as we are walking into the stadium. We had been in the French Field House for about 45 minutes before we actually started walking to the stadium. Needless to say, it was quite hot that day in the the field house with so many graduates and no fans.
We finally make it into the stadium.
Taking our seats.
Block O!
Architecture from the outside of the stadium.
These few pictures are from the Commencement Eve Candlelight Ceremony which was held on Saturday, the day before graduation. This is a picture of Mirror Lake.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
And songs to Alma Mater raise
While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
Time and change will surely show
How firm thy friendship... O-H-I-O!
(Sorry the pictures are so was hard to get a good one).
Candles held up during O-H-I-O.
My mom and me. I love this picture.
My mom, my sister, and me.
All of our candles together. This is such a cool picture! President Gee spoke at the ceremony as well as a student that was chosen to represent OSU. This was the first year for the candle ceremony, but it was a big success.
Ohio State congratulates the class of 2008
This is my father, my sister and me on the day of graduation in the French Field House.
Getting ready. Exciting times!
My mom looks so happy in this picture! We always tease each other about our heights. (I'm actually taller) but my mom thinks she is so I was obliging her in this picture and look, I am shorter!
PhD students walking into the stadium before the ceremony. All of the names of the PhD students were read and they actually went up to the stand and received their diploma. It took forever, but if I had worked that hard I would want my name read too!
ROTC members preparing to raise the flag. Don't they look nice?
Table after table of diplomas. Each of the graduates had a number and we went into our rows by number. They actually handed out real diplomas during graduation. For 7,857 students graduating, I'd say that was a pretty good feat of coordination!
Raising the flag.
After meeting President Gee. It was so nice of him to take the time for pictures with the graduates. He is so great!