Saturday, February 7, 2009


As I was washing dishes, I looked over and saw my roommate's jar of Jif peanut butter sitting on the counter. Then I saw the little label which read "#1 choice of choosy moms." Hmm, I wonder what criteria Jif uses to define choosy? Is it only moms who choose Jif that are choosy? Or maybe it's a certain number of moms out of so many who choose Jif. Maybe some moms are choosy in some things but they don't care what type of peanut butter they buy for their family, are they still considered choosy? Probably not, since they didn't buy Jif. Maybe Jif is bought more often than other brands and that's why they consider themselves more chosen. Any thoughts?

Then I kept on thinking, how choosy am I? Should I be choosier? (is that a word?) Are some of the things I watch, listen to, read, or spend my time doing not quite appropriate? Are they uplifting and a good use of time and helping me to progress toward my goal of being more like Heavenly Father? Not that the things are really bad, but if they are not uplifting, maybe I'm not choosy enough and could be making better choices. All this from one little statement. Thanks Jif, for helping me to be more choosy.


Jeanette said...

I guess I will be a non-choosy mom when I have kids cause I like Peter Pan. :) Yes, I need to be better. Don't we all. There is a new sister missionary in our ward who is waiting on a visa to go to Mongolia. :) I hope she runs into my Bolormaa girl and our other wonderful Montana Mongolians....does that make sense? :)

Becky said...

Well, I chose Jif because it was the only peanut butter on the shelf when we ran out. I don't know if that's because people weren't choosing it or because it was the only peanut butter that didn't have salmonella?

I am trying to be more choosy in my life. Mostly with what I keep...we have SO much STUFF. And with what I spend my time "doing".

Natasha and Jesse said...

Jeanette- that is so cool about the sister going to Mongolia! I sure hope she runs into Bolormaa, and Nansalmaa, and Oyunmaa and the other Montana Mongolians :) How fun!

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